Friday 23 February 2007

The mood meter revisited

I managed to find a photo of my old mood meter and grainy (but cute) photo of me at work (I think that’s the best haircut I ever had, too bad my hairdresser went into fulltime teaching career few months later. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be lucky enough to find someone as brilliant as her).

I definitely was in much better mood this week. Just thinking of my current life and my frame of mind helped. I have a plan for keeping myself happy and list of things I need/want to do (still need to write it down).

This week I started by having occasional afternoon nap and deciding to cook every work day (with “healthy body, healthy mind” reasoning behind this decision), while Clive volunteered to be responsible for weekend dinners. I love cooking, though I’m not all that good at it. I usually go through a phase of cooking too much followed by having no inspiration to cook. I may try to plan weekly menu in advance to simplify shopping and to make sure we get enough vegetables, iron, vitamins, etc.

I accumulated loads of loose change and so today I walked to Kilburn High Road to browse charity shops for cheap second hand books. You’d think that having a library in 5-minute walking distance and a bookshelf full of unread books would satisfy me, but I love looking for new books to add to my collection. I usually find few recently published ones in good condition in PDSA shop and this time left it with FIVE books. Now I just need to read them. I’m struggling with reading books lately and spend much more time reading blogs written by women with kids. Others experiences of motherhood (and balancing the rest of their lives) seem to hold my attention much better than most of the books I started reading.

Anyway enough about me. Cat laughed today! Twice! I have to admit that I was acting super silly today while playing with her. Hope Clive and I can produce the same result tomorrow, so he’ll get to hear her laughter before going to Hong Kong for one week.

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