Wednesday 22 October 2008

The best guides

Parenting is a process of mutual growth, in which parents and children grow in different levels through their interactions and through the elements they bring into one another’s lives.
Rahima Baldwin Dancy You are Your Child’s First Teacher
Collage: The Guide
Few months ago I pulled out my husbands discarded photos and made a collage from one of them. While making it I contemplated the important influence other people have on our lives and our personal development. And how the best teachers and guides are often the ones, whose intention isn’t to teach us or to lead us down a certain path. Because their intentions are far removed from directing us, we are able to freely journey next to them; to choose the lessons we accept, reserve for later or reject; to grow at the pace comfortable to us.

My dear daughter, thank you for changing my life.


Penelope said...

I've thought of what I would like from London. A ZM artwork to hang on our walls. Please?

driftwood said...

great collage, and great sentiment.

Annie said...

That is a really interesting comment.... I suppose that is why, as a religion teacher, I really just put first and foremost loving the kids.... If you can't do that you can never hope to make a real difference, I don't think.