Thursday 14 February 2008

Seven Facts

I’m usually a silent lurker, quietly admiring the clever writing, gorgeous photos and unique work. But on rare occasions I decide to show my appreciation of others’ blogs by commenting. Most of the time it goes unnoticed, but occasionally I get a new virtual friend or someone decides to tag me (but how could I resist to comment when Aunty Shabby is struggling with creating a baby blanket, while I myself started a blanket for Cat about 4 times before deciding that I don’t like the chosen patterns)

So here are seven random facts about me:
1. I’m uncomfortable with heights, staircases and confined spaces. Therefore I really dislike narrow spiral staircases, but still insist on climbing them to get to the top of cathedrals, castles, lighthouses, etc.
2. Though walking up and down the stairs at least twice a week while carrying a 5 kilo stroller with 10 kilo baby inside seem to be curing my stair-phobia.
3. I like to travel light, but accumulate possessions extremely fast.

This is a photo of me in the airport flying to Chicago in 2005 for one week and this is the entire luggage I had with me. A very nice lady at O’Hare airport stopped me with a reminder to collect my baggage and struggled to believe that I have only one tiny backpack.
4. The most peaceful moment I experienced was while sitting on the shore of Lake St. Clair listening to the tiny waves and watching sunset.
5. Next year I can celebrate living outside Russia for as long as I lived in there.
6. I don’t like heat and I don’t like snow, so London’s climate is perfect for me and I actually like London’s weather.
7. I think of Melbourne as my home, but I would love to live for few years in Chicago, Vienna, Edinburgh or Bright/Porepunka.

Here are the rules (copied from Aunty Shabby):
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I’m going to bend them and not tag anyone, but if you want to, please play along.


Rachael said...
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Rachael said...

Funny how friendships are formed, huh? Except, I thought you were my virtual kindred spirit, until I saw that little backpack! :) Really?! I probably couldn't fit my toiletries in there!

If you're ever in Chicago again...we must get together. My sister and I are going there this weekend, btw. (Girls weekend in the city...but with kids.)

Suse said...

Thank you for such a complimentary link!

Aunty Shabby said...

I'm with you Rachael! I am a firm believer in being ready for all contingencies whilst travelling and having the right shoes and shade of lipstick for very occasion! Although at times I do wish I could travel more would probably be easier.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha - if only I could find my blog I would love to play...

Zoya said...

Rachael, I would love to meet you, but it is unlikely that I'll make it to Chicago. All three times I went so far were for work – first time with Accenture and twice with my current company. And I can’t imagine them sending me there while I work from home part-time.

Suse, you deserve it. I love your blog.

Aunty Shabby, trying to decide what to pack occasionally stresses me out, so taking only essentials seems to be the solution. Though now that I have the child there are bags and bags of things to take “just in case”.

Pen, I would love to read your 7 facts.