Saturday 20 January 2007

My favourite pastime

During this week I finished reading my first book since giving birth to Cat – A Wreath of Stars by Bob Shaw Very nice simple sci-fi story. I love Gollancz SF series and always keep an eye out for their bright yellow book covers in second-hand bookshops and libraries. Sadly their newer books have normal “picture” covers and therefore are more difficult to spot.

I’m finally starting to get into Three Comrades by Erich Maria remarque after 60 pages. Really struggled to get interested in it, find characters interesting – could be reading it at the wrong time in my life. It also doesn’t help that I usually only manage to read 2-3 pages a day. This week I done more reading than average while holding half-asleep Catherine, but housework suffered as the result.

But the main news is that today Cat looked in fascination as I read/showed her two Russian baby books. Her first book reading! And she was interested enough for me to read them to her and talk about pictures in them twice! Until now she just screamed every time I tried to show her a book. I feel so happy, because I love reading books and any additional entertainment for her is highly welcomed, even if it only occupies her for 5-15 minutes.

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