Sunday 17 December 2006

Another day

Yesterday Clive went to work and was gone from about 10 am till midnight moving and installing servers. I guess the overtime money won’t hurt as he’ll only get paid statutory minimum for two weeks of the paternity leave. While I managed to survive OK (It wasn’t one of the best days - Cat had mild diarrhoea, so most of my day was spent changing diapers, feeding and consoling her), I’m really happy he took two extra weeks off on top of standard paternity leave. Cat choose a very convenient day to come into this world, with 4 weeks of leave Clive will only have to work for 3 days this year between Xmas & New Year (not counting this Saturday) and by that stage first Denis and then PJs will be here to keep me company.

Today Cat slept like a log between 7am and 11:30am. But when I tried to put her to sleep at around 12:30, she refused by screaming. Until recently she spent almost all of her time eating, sleeping or getting her diaper changed. For about last1.5 weeks she spent some time staring at people, while they make funny faces at her. So it took me a while to figure out that she didn’t want to sleep, be fed or played with – she just wanted to be next to me, staring at me while I make repetitive soothing noises.

I finally managed to figure out how to use the huggababy sling. It still doesn’t feel 100% comfortable - I need more practice with it, which I’m sure I’ll get plenty of. But it helped me to have lunch at the reasonable time and to finally vacuum clean the flat.

After spending most of the morning/afternoon on my own (Clive had to get few things done outside the house) I was very happy to see four visitors – Debi & Mark and Andrew & Kate. Debi and Mark arrived first and were lucky enough to catch Cat in one of her still rare awake moments. Debi hogged the baby for most of the night :-). She works as a nanny, so I was happy to observe her in action and take notes. She is so much better at talking to Cat than I am. I still feel a bit weird talking about surroundings to someone, who can’t respond back and most of the time is not even listening. Was great to catch up with everyone before they go to South Africa for Xmas/New Year.

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