Sunday 30 September 2007

An interlude

Conventional wisdom has it that reincarnation as an animal is a punishment for past sins, but perhaps it is a reward instead. Atleast a resting place. An interlude of grace.
Margaret Atwood "My Life as a Bat"

My parents arrived on Tuesday. Their presence and help make me feel relaxed and give me a chance to rest, to have idle moments, to spend time on my own.

The best parts so far: having a nap on Friday afternoon*; going out to a movie with my husband on Saturday (first time in about a year); almost not noticing Cat’s teething because there are so many people to entertain her (the top two middle teeth finally came through this week) and seeing the happy interaction between grandparents and the little girl (I’m extremely glad that they finally got to meet each other).

The bad part: knowing that they are going to leave soon first to travel around Europe and then to go back home.

There are so many things I want to get done while they are here, but I think I’ll have to be content with having the opportunity to enjoy sharing the load (and joys) of motherhood as in the last few days I didn’t manage to achieve much more than usual.

* My sleeping patterns are so messed up that I feel like a nap most afternoons and therefore being a bat sounds very attractive.


Polina said...

Post pictures! And say hello to them from us :)

Rachael said...

I like naps too. It's funny that I never appreciated them when I was young and HAD to take them. Now I just WISH I could take them. Maybe I would like to be a bat too.

P.S. This is like deja vu. I thought for sure I'd already read your post and sent you a comment. Maybe it was an email. Who knows...maybe I was dreaming during my imaginary nap! :)