Back to health & cheerfulness
Cat is back to her cheerful and energetic self. It is great seeing her crawling all over the place, pointing at things and babbling to herself and anyone close by.
My parents love letting Cat hold onto their hands to help her walk around the flat and therefore her “walking” improved dramatically since their arrival (I’m more likely to carry her around or crawl with her on the flow – crawling around the couch after each other provides lots of entertainment for both of us).
In the first week of them being here she also learned to climb on top of their suitcase. She keeps on trying to climb on the couch and the bed, but luckily they are still a bit too high for her. Though yesterday she got one of her legs up on the bed, but got distracted by something else before managing to get the other leg up. But she can (and does) climb on the little step in front of balcony door and moves along it, turns and headbuts the window, looking scary unbalanced to my paranoid mummy eyes. (My baby sister always complained about me being overprotective towards her. I’m sure Cat will do the same once she learns to speak) She learned to pull herself up consistently and now can occasionally be found cruising around her cot by holding onto the sides instead of sleeping. And in the last few days she figured out how to sit back down instead of falling down, which used to be scary to watch especially after few times it ended up in blood and tears.
She is totally fascinated by her belly button and spends good chunk of bath time staring and pointing at it.
Belly buttons are cool I say - I especially get fascinated by those ones that have kind of like a little lump in them.. not just a divot. hmmmm how come each person's belly button is different?
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