Wednesday 2 May 2007

Sleeping & eating

Since it took a while for us both to get a hang on breastfeeding I thought I’ll follow current official advice of not introducing solids until 6 months. But Cat is getting very curious about our drinks and food – it is no longer possible to drink anything while holding her as she nearly falls off while trying to intersect the cup, glass or can and she gets very surprised (and not too pleased) when we pass food to each other, but not her. She also appears to be hungry more often and wakes up at least twice during the night* instead of previous predictable one time at around 3-4 am. So I gave her some baby rice yesterday for the first time. Hilarious! We had great fun: she made lots of happy cooing noises; grabbed the spoon in her eagerness to get it into her mouth; smiled, stuck her hand into her mouth and licked the spoon all at the same time. Despite her eagerness, most of the food ended up on her clothes and not in her tummy. I may try to make some apple puree for her tomorrow, though our blender is about to die (it used to belong to Clive’s mum and he estimates its age to be between 15 and 20 years).

* Numerous wake ups during the night potentially have nothing to do with hunger. While looking for the flat I had to wake her up few times to be on time for the appointments and she often catnaped in the BabyBjorn before I would make it home to put her down for a proper long nap. So due to this and teething she lost most of her good sleeping habits. Her three day naps last only 35-50 minutes each and she obviously doesn’t get enough sleep during the day, but trying to get her to sleep longer only results in extremely loud protests. I’m going to try few things to get her back to one longer nap of 1.5 – 2 hours and one-two short ones. Longer nap will also give me a chance to get other things done as she isn't very interested in playing on her own at the moment and is very selective about what tasks she is happy to watch me do: hanging laundry is fine, cooking isn't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooh boy nap times!
Trinity Rose still takes three a day and depending on who is with her and whether she has a boob in her mouth or not they last anything from 30 mins to three hours. Not good for planning anything - but I guess a second child must sleep when she can.
So good luck with that one.
As for eating - I found that with both of mine they started wanting food, and I mean REALLY wanting, at about 5 months. My lactation consultant nearly had me hauled away by child protection for insisting that I was going to give Tallulah some "solids". I have heard though that its easier for them to digest fruit first rather than the usual rice porridge. So I would agree with your apple pure idea.